In 2021, the Joint Security and Resilience Centre (JSaRC) conducted research on the key economic and labour market data relating to the private security sector as defined by ONS (Office for National Statics). This revealed that Security businesses are marginally more likely to report gaps in the skills of their workers than other businesses operating in England and Wales.
Government, industry, and academia are working to address skills shortages by developing opportunities to develop skills needed by the sector, and ultimately create a clear pathway which encourages the next generation to consider a career in security. This is done through the Security and Resilience Growth Partnership (SRGP).
The SRGP is a strategic level Home Office Ministerial meeting chaired jointly by the Minister for Security and the Chair of the UK’s Security and Resilience Industry Suppliers Community (RISC). The SRGP is a key element of the partnership with the security sector (industry and academia) to support the UK’s security and resilience sector.
As part of this partnership approach, JSaRC has delivered a Security Sector Skills Brochure; aimed at young individuals (aged between 14-24). The Brochure highlights some of the excellent career pathways and educational routes available across the UK. JSaRC aims to bring the Security Sector to the forefront of career options available for young individuals in the UK.
The Security Sector Skills Brochure is a key piece of delivery under the SRGP.
To deliver the Security Sector Skills Brochure, JSaRC has collaborated with the following Key Industry Partners:
- CCL Solutions Ltd
- Security Institute
- Skills for Security
- The Security Skills Board
Digital copy of the Security Skills brochure
Weblinks to the Skills Brochure