Our Work

JSaRC's main aims are to identify solutions to the UK's security challenges, shape the security market and encourage growth in the sector. Discover more in this video overview...


JSaRC works to inform the government about existing capabilities in the security market that can address identified needs or requirements. We bring together government departments and policy leaders seeking to avoid duplication when pursuing complementary security solutions.


JSaRC delivers operational trials that both prove and improve solutions; we introduce SMEs to complementary products and help industry and government to cooperate.


We work to shape the market for the security industry; JSaRC delivers industry briefings, engages with industry to better inform them of government requirements and produces market-shaping reports to inform industry of required standards.


JSaRC provides a discreet forum for government departments and industry to discuss security challenges. We assist industry with their understanding of the requirements of Government Procurement procedures.

Engaging with JSaRC

JSaRC uses a number of mechanisms through which we engage with our stakeholders. These include events such as the Security & Policing Home Office event, International Security Expo and IFSEC.


Formal engagements and projects are the primary means by which we deliver upon our business objectives. JSaRC holds regular open days at our Cambridge Headquarters, giving industry, academia and the private sector, the opportunity to gain advice and guidance on how best to work with government.


Our partners within industry and academia supply experienced staff to JSaRC as Industry Secondees, who use their expertise to work as part of the JSaRC team to deliver projects. JSaRC attends a number of government boards and working groups to build awareness of our work and to better understand the requirements of our government partners.

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