JSaRC Update – 22 May 2020
Welcome to the latest Update from the Joint Security and Resilience Centre.
JSaRC’s Current Priorities
In light of the current pandemic, JSaRC and many other government departments have re-prioritised current work programmes to ensure the most immediate and relevant initiatives are resourced and co-ordinated. As well as a number of ‘business as usual’ activities, this week’s key priorities for the JSaRC team are:
- Supporting operational and policy leads in protective security and how the new reality of COVID-19 may impact on venues, organisations and their security regimes.
- Through the Resilience Industry Suppliers Community (RISC), we have been consulting with industry and academia on the UK’s Defence and Security Industrial Strategy (DSIS) with a planned series of workshops covering Procurement, Innovation and Skills.
Collation of detail regarding mature products and solutions which may help in our response to COVID-19
JSaRC has received over 265 responses from suppliers across the UK offering various solutions to assist with the Home Office’s response to COVID-19. Thank you to those who have submitted offers of support so far.
If you have an idea that is related to supporting the Home Office’s COVID-19 response, please email it to JSaRC@homeoffice.gov.uk. Please title your email ‘COVID-19 Products and Solutions Response’.
JSaRC Secondee Programme Update
The benefits of participation for individuals seconded into JSaRC are wide-ranging and substantial. They include the opportunity for company executives to work at the heart of the UK’s national security agenda; to support practical security programmes and priorities; to offer their industry perspectives to government thinking in the security field; and to gain unique exposure to a wide cross section of the security industrial base. Whilst we continue to work through the COVID-19 crisis, we will continue to have discussions with organisations who may be considering placing a secondee into JSaRC or want to know more about the Programme. If you would like to know more about secondment opportunities at JSaRC, contact us by emailing JSaRC@homeoffice.gov.uk and we’ll get in touch.
Access coronavirus business innovation support package
Innovative businesses and start-ups are set to benefit from a £40 million government investment to drive forward new technological advances. The competition aims to fast-track the development of innovations borne out of the coronavirus crisis while supporting the UK’s next generation of start-ups. Details on how to apply can be found here.
NCSC guidance for working safely online
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) have published guidance to support SME’s working online safely. Further information is available here.
The JSaRC Team
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Web: jsarc.org