Our Mission

The imperative for keeping people safe and ensuring the security of the United Kingdom has an impact on how society and government operate. JSaRC is dedicated to assisting in the reduction of the security and resilience challenges that we all face.

The JSaRC team collaborates with colleagues within the security sector and across Government to mitigate disruptive influences, and assure the UK’s security, resilience, and safety.

Our vision

JSaRC envisions a future in which government, academia, and the security industry (including larger firms and SMEs) collaborate to deliver technological responses to the UK’s security challenges and promote greater safety for our citizens at home and abroad.

Our aims

Our primary objective is to bring together expertise from government, academia, and the private sector to provide effective security outcomes for the United Kingdom. JSaRC works to break down traditional barriers to collaboration between the private and public sectors, and works to improve their understanding of one another. By addressing the key issues and trends affecting the UK’s security and resilience, both sectors can collaborate to combat the fast-moving and ever-changing threats to our citizens, both at home and abroad.

JSaRC and National Security Objectives

JSaRC’s aims are reflected in the national security framework as set out in the Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR) 2015, which represents the UK’s national security interests through 3 National Security Objectives:

  1. Protect our people – At home, in our Overseas Territories and abroad, and to protect our
    territory, economic security, infrastructure and way of life.
  2. Project our global influence – Reducing the likelihood of threats materialising and affecting the UK, our interests, and those of our allies and partners.
  3. Promote our prosperity – Seizing opportunities, working innovatively and supporting UK

We work to support the UK’s National Security Objectives and to protect our people. JSaRC is ‘threat-agnostic’ and we collaborate with any government department, academic institution or private sector organisation that has a requirement, idea, project or solution with the potential to improve, by designing out harm, the security and resilience of the United Kingdom.

View the SDSR Policy Paper here

JSaRC and National Resilience

National Resilience is one of the component parts of the national security framework. It involves the effective coordination of capabilities and approaches across tiers of government and the wider public and private sectors.

JSaRC is helping to protect the UK’s global influence and enabling the UK to leverage soft power through events like the annual Security & Policing Exhibition.

JSaRC works with the Home Office to support UK Defence and Security Exports (UKDSE) in presenting the best of the UK Security Industry abroad and promoting prosperity through exports. This is achieved via the exchange of trusted information, the facilitation of dialogue between public and private actors, and providing support to drive security solutions from the concept phase to the marketplace.

View further information on Security Resilience here

Our governance

Due to our role as a partnership between government and industry, we have two main bodies providing oversight and governance; the Home Office and the Security and Resilience Growth Partnership (SRGP).  The SRGP is a forum attended by representatives from government, industry and academia.  The group meets regularly and is responsible for identifying JSaRC’s priorities.

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