JSaRC’s aims are reflected in the national security framework as set out in the Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR) 2015, which represents the UK’s national security interests through 3 National Security Objectives:
- Protect our people – At home, in our Overseas Territories and abroad, and to protect our
territory, economic security, infrastructure and way of life.
- Project our global influence – Reducing the likelihood of threats materialising and affecting the UK, our interests, and those of our allies and partners.
- Promote our prosperity – Seizing opportunities, working innovatively and supporting UK
We work to support the UK’s National Security Objectives and to protect our people. JSaRC is ‘threat-agnostic’ and we collaborate with any government department, academic institution or private sector organisation that has a requirement, idea, project or solution with the potential to improve, by designing out harm, the security and resilience of the United Kingdom.
View the SDSR Policy Paper here