JSaRC Update – 5 June 2020
Welcome to the latest Update from the Joint Security and Resilience Centre. In light of the current status of the pandemic and the focus on recovery, JSaRC Updates will now revert to our usual monthly frequency. We will continue to monitor this and will adjust as required.
An update on our collation of COVID-19 ideas
This week, we’d like to provide an update on the status of the work the JSaRC team has carried out in relation to the collation of ideas around COVID-19.
Co-ordination began in late March and, as of 1 June 2020, JSaRC has received over 265 responses from across industry and academia. Responses are varied and innovative and are assessed against the Home Office (HO) requirements provided by the COVID-19 GOLD command team.
Compiled offers now with BEIS
JSaRC shared the compiled offers with the Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) COVID-19 team and, through this contact, a joined-up cross-government effort was established with the Cabinet Office centrally managing over 9,000 offers. Cabinet Office and Crown Commercial Services (CCS) have now developed a portal which allows suppliers to submit their ideas, enabling buyers across government and the public sector to search for offers of assistance. Further information can be found here.
The portal has been shared across the Home Office and all relevant stakeholders to ensure that they use the catalogue to source their COVID-19 related needs. Additionally, JSaRC has brought the new portal to the attention of the UK Police, Fire, Ambulance and Military services and updated Home Office Commercial team members of the process, allowing them to align the department’s COVID-19 purchasing activities with the rest of Whitehall.
Compiled list of contacts points
Through this exercise, JSaRC has identified a list of contact points in which specific equipment and services can be directed and sourced in a joined-up process. We have publicised these to our community and continue to assist Cabinet Office in publicising these opportunities for Industry and Academia to support UK Government.
JSaRC has written to all companies with valid offers of help and directed them to the CCS portal. We will continue to receive, and co-ordinate industry offers of support to ensure they are directed to the correct government portal. JSaRC will continue to support Cabinet Office in communicating its cross-government process for dealing with COVID-19 offers of help to the Industry and Academic community through our Updates.
If you do have an idea that is related to supporting the Home Office’s COVID-19 response, please email it to JSaRC@homeoffice.gov.uk. Title your email ‘COVID-19 Products and Solutions Response.’
Defence Innovation Challenge – 2020
The NATO Communications and Information Agency is accepting submissions which focus on improving the performance on aerial radar. The Defence Innovation Challenge is open to companies, regardless of size, from across the NATO Alliance. Start-ups as well as small and medium-sized enterprises are especially encouraged to participate. Further details on how to apply can be found here.
DASA – Open Call for Innovation
The Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) has launched an Open Call for innovative ideas to improve the defence and security of the UK. Further information can be found here.
The JSaRC Team