JSaRC Update – 4 July 2019
JSaRC Update – 4 July 2019
Welcome to the latest JSaRC Update.
Head of JSaRC Appointment
Following on from Shaun Hipgrave’s appointment as Acting Director for Protect, Prepare, CBRNE and Science & Technology (PPCS), we are delighted to announce that Angela Essel has been appointed as Acting Head of the Joint Security and Resilience Centre (JSaRC).
Angela’s previous role in JSaRC was as Head of the Joint Response Team, where she provided strong leadership for a team of around 10 Civil Servants and seconded personnel who are responsible for leading on a number of programmes.
Having worked with the Home Office since 2012, Angela joined the Joint Security and Resilience Centre in September 2016, helping JSaRC to establish and develop in its initial growth stage in order to raise awareness and build market capability to combat UK security related issues.
Angela previously held roles within the Home Office’s Science Centre for Applied Science and Technology (CAST), the Security Innovation and Demonstration Centre (SIDC) and the National Improvements Intelligence Agency (NPIA).
We are sure you will join us in congratulating Angela on her appointment.
The Independent Review of the Modern Slavery Act
In July 2018, the Government commissioned the Independent Review of the Modern Slavery Act to identify where the Act has worked well, what can be improved in the implementation of the Act and whether specific areas of the legislation need to be strengthened. The Review, which focused on the Act’s transparency in supply chains requirements alongside three other core themes, has now published its final report.
Ahead of making legislative changes to the current transparency requirements, the Home Office will be launching a public consultation to seek the views of interested and affected parties. There will be further details on the scope and time frame of the consultation in the Home Office’s response to the Independent Review of the Modern Slavery Act, which will be published in summer 2019.
Building a Stronger Britain Together Update
More than 30 groups across England have received £770,000 between them to support their local community and build resilience to extremist activity. The money, awarded through the Building a Stronger Britain Together programme, is the fourth round of funding since the programme began in 2015. Full details on this initiative can be found here.
Next generation services Innovation Lab
Individuals can now apply to take part in a 3-day residential Innovation Lab on behalf of their organisation to develop responsible data access or sharing methods. Services including legal, accounting and insurance account for almost 80% of the UK economy. It is vital these services are future-proof, and technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics can help the sector become more efficient, productive and globally competitive.
Through the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF), government is supporting industry and researchers to develop next generation services that can transform the UK’s services industry. UK Research and Innovation will invest up to £3.5 million to develop responsible data access and sharing methods in the accountancy, insurance and legal services sectors through a 3-day residential Innovation Lab that will explore the use of AI to strengthen the UK services sector.
Find out more here
University research to receive major funding boost
Universities and Science Minister Chris Skidmore has (as of Tuesday 2 July) confirmed an additional £91 million for university-led research, taking the annual budget allocations for university-led research to a record high.
Research and development is at the heart of the government’s modern Industrial Strategy, and today’s increase means universities in England will receive £2.2 billion in the 2019 to 2020 academic year to support their research.
Find out more here
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