Due to the developing global terrorist threat, as demonstrated in Manchester and London, preventing mass casualty attacks is a priority. The Home Office and other government departments understand the need to work more closely with industry to improve the detection capabilities and security of crowded places in the UK.
The aim of this trial was to increase understanding and awareness of how innovative technologies and operational concepts can be combined to reduce the risk of attacks and without inconveniencing the public or impeding business.
The challenge was to screen large numbers of people quickly, cost-effectively and proportionately whilst retaining the confidence that no-one entering a crowded space represents a security threat.
While innovative technologies are becoming more available, their adoption has been limited. This is partly due to a lack of understanding of what benefits these technologies offer and how they can be used in real world applications.
Consequently, the limited take-up of new approaches and technologies is often inhibiting, delaying or completely preventing the exploitation of new capabilities that may succeed in mitigating security threats.